Documents, including letters, notes, reports, pamphlets and clippings on the agitation against the stationing of cruise missiles in Europe and against the extension of the Frankfurt airport 1982-1984; on the Turkish trade union movement, the position of women, medical care and other subjects relating to Turkey 1985-1990; on the Kurds and their struggle for liberation, including documents on the actions by the Turkish army 1988-1990; on the deportations of Kurds, the bombing of their dwellings and the use of chemical weapons against the village of Halabja by the army of Iraq 1989-1990; on the aid organization medico international 1988-1990; on the uprising in Iraqi Kurdistan in 1991, the subsequent elections in 1992 and on the Democratic Party of Kurdistan (DPK) of Massoud Barzani and its 11th Congress in 1993; documents relating to agitation for the release of the German journalist Stephan Waldberg, imprisoned in Turkey because of his supposed support of the Partîya Karkerên Kurdîstan (PKK; Kurdish Workers' Party) 1992-1994; press clippings and other documents regarding the death of Lissy Schmidt and the arrest of two suspected murderers 1994; typescripts and manuscripts of articles and translations by Lissy Schmidt and clippings of her articles 1984-1994; a typescript on economic problems in Iraqi Kurdistan by Salahaddin Muhammad al-Hafid 1992; text of an interview with Celal Talabani, general secretary of the. Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) n.d.